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View Parent Category Personal Gallery of DawnTorrence

1997 - Clowning Around
1997 - Clowning Around
1997 - Big Bird
1997 - Clowning Around
1997 - Medical Conference
1997 - Family Portrait
1996 - Christmas
1996 - Walker
1996 - Riding
1997 - Ping Pong
1996 - At The Park
1996 - Easter
1996 - Mountains
1995 - Cowboy Shane
1996 - Brusthing Teeth
1995 - Cowboy Shane
1994 - Stethoscope
1994 - Yippee
1994 - Glasses
1995 - 2nd Birthday
1994 - Cherub Shane
1994 - Sleeping
1994 - Portrait
1994 - Tub
1994 - Easter
1994 - 1st birthday
1994 - Halloween
1993 - July 4th
1993 - With Santa
1993 - The first time I held Shane
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